ClickCease Whitening & Bleaching | Hopwood Dental

Whitening & Bleaching

Face the world with a dazzling smile

Has daily life taken a toll on the appearance of your teeth? Don’t worry, there is something that you can do. Using modern teeth whitening and bleaching techniques, our skilled team can restore teeth to their natural colour and beyond with prices starting at £250.00

Whitening & Bleaching

Giving you that extra confidence

You’ll be amazed at the difference that teeth whitening can make. Restoring your teeth to a colour that you never thought you’d see again, and giving you the confidence to get on with your life.

Whitening & Bleaching

Natural white and beyond

Teeth whitening restores your teeth to their natural colour, taking years off their appearance, but perhaps you want something a little more sparkling. If you opt for teeth bleaching, you can go further, and create a dazzling smile that is sure to get you noticed.

Whitening & Bleaching

All the treatments you need

Having great looking teeth may give you confidence, but it’s important to keep them healthy too. Our preventative approach using modern dentistry and hygiene techniques can help, from dental implants to jaw joint work, we’re here, keeping your teeth healthy.

Whitening that looks fantastic Call today to find out more: 01706 369636